Plowman Brothers’ range of Cultivation Machinery maintains our traditional high build quality.
Although we only began to make agricultural machinery a few years ago, we have already won awards for our machines. We have become known as one of the UK’s up and coming manufacturers.
The Plowman 4m trailed Omni-Til TC is semi mounted on a ball and spoon coupling system. This gives the tractor benefit of draft assistance when the going gets tough and also reducing wear and fatigue on a high stress zone.
The Omni-Til mounted is a smaller machine, developed to address the challenges faced by the modern farmer. It is probably the most advanced system on the market today, achieving minimum surface disturbance, cultivation & consolidation in one pass. The complete Omni-Til Trailed system creates outstanding soil structure by working “surface tilth” and “at depth” soil zones individually with little or no mixing. This can help to prevent black grass from spreading.
The Omni-Lift is a heavy duty ‘V’-Form subsoiler with many unique features and is one of the most advanced systems in its class. It is available with SOYL’s precision AutoDepth system and has Plowman CamLock legs as standard. It is available in either a 3 or 5 leg layout. The Omni-Lift also comes with either shear bar or hydraulic auto reset leg protection to suit your soil type.
We also offer a range of machinery for hire.